Saturday, August 19, 2006

Then there was another one.

Another blog out there in the vast rolling electronic sea of blogs. Woo hoo! Or is that more appropriately, Who's Woo(dog)?

Well, hell, I don't know who Woo is and I'm supposed to be Woo. Consider Woo a work in progress. I've tossed around the notion of writing a book titled 'Fag Diary from the Midwest'. I really think it's a good title and would make an interesting book - that is, if I could actually write. Perhaps this 'blog' will be that effort. A Fag diary from the midwest. hmmmmm.

When writing I almost always imagine 'vast hordes' reading what I write, but I'll be surprised if even one person reads this post.

Stay tuned, if you will. I'll write more. Maybe better, maybe worse.

But in the meantime, surprise me, please.



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