Thursday, August 24, 2006

About that Fag thing

I was thinking today about the word 'fag' and why I opted to use it prominently on this webpage, blog, online diary, whatever. It's a harsh term, used with derision by those with no understanding of just what it means to be gay, queer, homo, or, yes, fag.

I'm a gentle guy with none of the rapier wit or mannerisms I associate with the word 'fag'. I think of a FAG being someone who struts above the din of the ordinary and possesses a wicked ability to pull the perfect rejoinder to any situation out of his ass. I'm not that person.

But I have had FAG spray painted on my house before, and that caused me to have several nervous nights wondering what was next. Evidently nothing was next.

I've been called FAG by guys whose asses I could easily have kicked with both my arms tied behind my back (let me keep my legs free, however).

So I took ownership of the word. Consider me the face of FAG. Just another guy trying to find his place in the world.

And a fairly ordinary one, too.