Thursday, December 21, 2006

$2.74 - Da Bastids!

I got my latest Chase Visa statement, a really thick envelope, and opened it with a certain glee for the satisfaction of seeing a balance of $0.00. Alas, there was a final interest charge of $2.74.. something about the average daily balance computed over the last activity of x days devided by 25 times the weighted average of all past activity or activity of blah blah blah blah blah.

I promptly wrote a check for $2.74. While putting it back in the envelope, and after shredding the 'convience' checks (with a low low introductory APR - because I've EARNED it, you know)... I notice the letter from Chase.

We notice that you recently made a large payment and do not with to lose your business, so please note that your new credit limit is $35,000, available to you for a new car, a vacation, home repairs.... blah blah blah blah.

I am so gonna love the certified letter requesting them to close my account.


Blogger mytzpyk said...

Woo hoo! (pun intended)

Thu Dec 21, 08:33:00 PM  
Blogger Woodog said...

Here's what's sick... I thought 'xtracycle'. But nah... waiting 'till I have the cash, a couple more months.


Thu Dec 21, 09:29:00 PM  

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