Thursday, December 21, 2006


Over at SueJ's and Howard's blog they both mention being a MBTI (Meyers/Briggs Type Indicator) INTP.

Interesting. I also am an INTP. I scored an obscene 95% on the Introvert side of the scale. All that means is that I derive strength and rest from solitude rather than in social situations. In fact, I believe that's one of the reasons that cycling with a group is an ideal 'social' activity for me. It allows me to be 'with' people (I've been told it's healthy to associate with people on occasion) while at the same time allowing me to be completely alone with my thoughts if I so choose, and I often do.

Because I'm a strong rider, if anyone decides to get chatty and I don't like it, like the fellow who joined me for a hill ride a few days ago who WOULD NOT SHUT UP, despite his lack of things to say, I just increase the pace until they shut up.


Blogger mytzpyk said...

This - "I just increase the pace until they shut up" - is golden.

Thu Dec 21, 08:34:00 PM  

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