Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

The plan last night had been to crash a church choir somewhere and sing for the Christmas Eve services at either the Methodist, Episcopal, or Presbyterian churches, all just a few blocks (and walking distance) from my house. As the hour got closer, the plans changed. I didn't want to hang out in the fine wool/SUV set gathered to marvel at the story of their savior who arrived in abject poverty, no matter how fine the music might be. I know, I'm throwing a blanket judgement over those folks, but it's how I feel when I'm among them.

I figured the Xmas lights would be at their finest last night, the Kid was deep into a MySpace/Messaging party with his 'posse', so I suited up for a ride through the town with camera in hand.

I felt strange about the ride. It isn't the normal behavior to be riding your bike alone on a night where the emphasis is on being with friends, family, or church, and that was on my mind as I soft pedaled around. It's who I am though. Alone, but not necessarily lonely.

It was a nice 25 mile ride through neighborhoods that ranged from the very rich to the very poor, from magnificent displays to the very modest. I tend to enjoy the poorer areas best. Some of those houses are laughing out loud in the darkness.

Here are just a few of the ~100 pictures I took last night.

This next one is by far my favorite of all the houses in the town. It's just delightful. I wish I had the skills to convey in a picture what this is really like.


Blogger mytzpyk said...

Merry Christmas to you too Woo!

Tue Dec 26, 07:14:00 AM  

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