Thursday, November 09, 2006

Think Globally, act locally

I rode to church for the Wednesday meditation group. Tonight we did a 'sound meditation' which used a recording of tibetan monks chanting. The idea was to chant with them, a zen sing along, if you will. Not too sure about that.

The ride home was very foggy... eerie and quite nice. Everything looked like a suspense movie. Before I got home I sopped at city hall to support a resolution supporting the Green City initiative. It passed, but with language modifications that gutted it's original intent... which was to actively consider and support infrastructure that would lower carbon emissions over the future. Sigh... I suppose you have to start somewhere, and even though the new resolution is a shadow of the original, it's something.

I even spoke to the comission in favor of the resolution. I felt like Mr. Smith in Washington... well, without all that moral clarity and ethical uprightness, and certainly without the public speaking ability. :-)

After the commission moved on to other business the 10 or so supporters of the resolution left the building and each one of them got in their separate cars and drove home.

On a related note, when I got home I had received a letter from the Sierra Club. They sent me a bumper sticker to show that I support the fight against global warming. What.The.Fuck??


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